16 Jul 2024
The wildflowers of Norfolk remind me of those times and seasons when God surprises you. In those moments, you are reminded that he has not forgotten you.
Like wildflowers showing up in unexpected places, God shows up unexpectedly in our lives because his timing is unlike ours. He is not controlled or held back by anyone or anything. As wildflowers spring up in unexpected fields and gardens, they cannot be missed. We see the splash of colour within the browns and the greens of the fields. Likewise, when God shows up in our lives, we cannot miss it because when he does, he lavishes his love on us. He reminds us that he is our father, and those long-awaited prayers have not been forgotten.
Embrace your wildflower seasons. I will embrace my unexpected wildflower season, sometimes very slow but yet blooming at the right time. I will keep growing and keep going because
'He began the good work in me and will bring it to full completion at the time of Christ.' (Philippians 1:6)
I don’t know when that time is but just like a wildflower, I will bloom at the right time, the perfect time.